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Being Sensory Aware

Being sensory aware: Adapting to changes in brain function and taking care of your brain

To function at our best we must adapt to what the brain is doing. For instance:

*  If  you aren’t visually attending to a task, it is harder to get the brain and body to respond. Utilize an OT to help determine how to help you perform best.  Assessment of visual problems  (in students, applies to adults too)

* If you are hypersensitive to touch, taste, texture, noise, etc, you may have a harder time attending to what is happening, fly off the handle too easily.  An OT might be able to help you be less hypersensitive and / or be more aware of how to manage this tendency, to modulate your nervous system’s responses.  Our sensory differences explained.  Research regarding management of PTSD supports the concept that the brain can learn different ways to respond.    Anyone who has undergone trauma (even a fall, or scary experience) may have PTSD.  You can do a self assessment for PTSD here.  Call us if you have questions.

*  If you are hyper-mobile in your joints and muscles, your body may have a harder time being stable, receiving the same information about movement and pain.  An OT or PT may be able to help you recognize how this tendency impacts your life and what you can do to help yourself.

*  If you have had an injury or trauma or a difficult upbringing, that leaves you anxious, depressed, engaging less well with people, or less able to concentrate, an OT may be able to help you learn new ways to recognize and respond to your environment.  We could work alongside your other mental health providers.


How the brain functions is also discussed on the Brain Function and Fitness resource page.