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How Home Therapy Works

Benefits of in-home, individualized, reasonably priced rehabilitation services

Benefits of Therapy at Home:

  • Convenience – eliminate a trip and a wait for your appointment
  • Energy saving – you will have more energy and time for more important tasks. Use your trips out for enjoyment!
  • Safety – you are not driving when tired, getting down stairs, into car and driving -and not returning tired
  • Functional – show the therapist what you are having trouble doing, and practice in a REAL environment.
  • Motivating – a therapist who knows you and trains people who will be your best cheerleaders
  • Privacy – only those people who are motivating to you involved in your care

How Therapy In Your Home Works

Benefits of working with a skilled therapist:

  • You benefit from the gift of a skilled therapist: knowledge, challenge, care: just right therapy!
  • You keep your mind agile and motivated. Exercise releases endorphins, powerful chemicals that energize and lift mood. Exercise also helps you sleep better, and improves symptoms from anxiety and depression.
  • You lower your risk of a variety of conditions: heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, high blood pressure, and dementia.
  • Your strength and energy are likely to improve, so you will feel like doing more.
  • You will learn new ways to look at old problems, which will maximize your satisfaction and function.

Myths about working with a therapist

  • Exercise hurts: The goal is that you will do it again tomorrow (to quote Covert Bailey), so our job is to find ways to meet that goal.
  • You have never been athletic: This is the time to treat yourself to taking care of yourself. See if you benefit from moving more.  And gain the secondary benefits of assisting in the prevention of depression, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, heart disease ….
  • You don’t have enough energy to exercise: We will improve your energy level. Slowly and carefully, for some of you, and faster for others.
  • Its too late, or this illness or disability prevents it: Everyone benefits from the right amount of movement. Even people who are 101 years old can improve their balance and increase the blood’s circulation. The brain benefits from exercise too!
  • There isn’t enough time: Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness” -Edward Stanley

Myths about having a therapist come to your home:

  • My house isn’t cleaned up enough for someone to come here: If your house is clean, and you cleaned it, you probably don’t need us to come to your house for therapy. We go to many houses every day, and everyone’s definition of clean and neat is different.
  • It’s too expensive to have someone come to my home: Our rates are similar to outpatient therapy in a clinic and what we do is much more functional.